
Lock & UNLock AADHAAR BIOMETRICS | Secure your Digital ℹ️information of Aadhar Card | Part-1

2023-11-28 5 Dailymotion

✍️Agenda of the Video: To Share the Concept and Easy Steps to Lock and Unlock AADHAAR BIOMETRICS.
For a quick Biometrics definition:- Biometrics are biological measurements — or physical characteristics — that can be used to identify individuals.
➡️For Example; Fingerprint Mapping, Facial Recognition, and Retina Scans are all forms of Biometric Technology but these are just the most recognized options.
Hint: आधार कार्ड से संबंधित विवरणों को online internet तालालगाकर बंद रखें, जब जरूरत हो तब ही खोले |
Part-1 Video: https://dai.ly/x8t096y
Read the related Blog post: - https://navisionfunctionalexpert.com/short-blog/f/regular-aadhaar-vs-masked-aadhaar
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